TextMate was a good start, but had several quirks and usability issues that grated on me.  Maybe it is because I am used to editors on Windows.  My favorite editor on the Windows side has been Sublime Text for some time now.  I’ve been keeping up with the latest betas, and now a public alpha version of Sublime Text 2 has been released.  I forget, it alpha pre-beta, or is beta pre-alpha?  Anyway, it is here and is very full featured.  Oh, and did I mention it is now cross platform?  Versions for OS X, Linux, and Windows.  Yeah!

Sublime Text 2 alpha for OS X

I think it will give TextMate a run for it’s money.  Love this editor.  And if you are a developer, you can customize it with plugins.

Check out Sublime Text 2.

Kod for OS X

Another interesting text editor is Kod.  In case you were wondering, “kod” is the Swedish word for “code”.  Again, a programmer’s editor.  I haven’t spent too much time with it, since I am using Sublime Text mostly.  On the face of it, it looks very similar to Sublime Text, but under the hood I guess they could not be more different. Kod is based on open source platforms, and Google Chrome in particular.  It’s not a web app, but the Kod is based on a web browser and web technologies, like javascript, CSS.  Sublime Text is mostly based on Python.  Another difference is that Kod is open source, while Sublime Text is likely to cost $59 when ready.  The Kod project is currently at version 0.0.3 (pre-alpha?  gamma?), so version 1.0 seems a long way off, still something to keep an eye on!

Check out Kod.

Categories: Uncategorized


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