An update to Console Calculator for Windows is now available.

  • Binary numbers now supports fractional bits (input only), e.g. 0b101.11 = 5.75
  • Fixed some typos in preferences (finally?)
  • Fixed minor unit conversion error.
  • Fixed overflow error with large factorial input.
  • Updated manual.
  • (2013-09-26)


Berndt Barkholz · December 8, 2013 at 11:24 pm

This is a very good calculator Scott… I am independent physical researcher (retired) and it fulfills all my needs for accurate scientific calculation with many specifiable variables and documentation of the work done. Thank you for a good product !

Peter Frey · April 4, 2014 at 8:26 am

Thanks a bunch for adding these features! This calculator is awesome! I’m a little surprised you fixed the factorial thing. I only found it when I was trying to break it… πŸ™‚

If you could add fractional binary output, it would literally be everything I would ever want in a calculator. I promise. πŸ™‚

If you ever stop supporting this, please consider making it open source. This is a great utility, and it would be a real shame to lose it to antiquity.

Thanks again!

Morcos Mikhail · May 7, 2015 at 5:27 pm

Hey Scott,
I am not using the traditional desktop calculator for the last ten years of my career because of your calculator. Keep up the good work!

alan · February 1, 2016 at 12:09 pm

So does anybody read this anymore? I’d be happy to purchase a copy of this app if you would offer a function to display separately calculated values, ie:

> disp(3,3^3)

3, 27

Hays Clark · October 6, 2017 at 5:43 pm

Looks like the OSX version is not available in the US store. Would be awesome if CCalc could return to OSX.

Me · September 6, 2018 at 11:27 pm

My decimal separator is comma (,). I use Windows 7 64-bit.
Console Calulator crashes when I type the following:


Sumeer · September 10, 2018 at 12:35 am

Do we have support for ubuntu? This is a great tool. I would like to use it in ubuntu (linux).

Francisco · November 10, 2020 at 1:11 am


I wanted to take the time to express my tremendous appreciation and gratitude for this excellent calculator program. I am an engineer, and I use it in all of my work! You’ve made something wonderful, you should be very proud! Thank you!


alan · May 6, 2021 at 6:50 am

too bad this doesn’t get updated any longer. it was and still is pretty useful but I so badly wish it would default to subtracting from the previous answer rather than requiring two minus signs for that.

Martin · December 23, 2021 at 1:46 am

Use this ALL the time. So easy, so quick to get stuff done. I’m way too old to be slowed down by damn GUIs. Even paid the $5.

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