Update: Console Calculator 3.1.0

An update to Console Calculator for Windows is now available. Binary numbers now supports fractional bits (input only), e.g. 0b101.11 = 5.75 Fixed some typos in preferences (finally?) Fixed minor unit conversion error. Fixed overflow error with large factorial input. Updated manual. (2013-09-26)

Update: Console Calculator 3.0.7

An update to Console Calculator for Windows is now available.  It’s a minor update, but adds a feature I’ve been wanting to do for a while. When copying the last previous result (Ctrl-C with nothing selected), the previous result will blink briefly. (2012-10-24)

Update: Console Calculator 3.0.4

Rolling in a few more updates from the OS X version into the Windows version. Tab-completion of functions. Function calls are now case-insensitive. When displaying binary numbers, a space between 4 character groups. Added teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, and gallons to unit converter. (2011-08-23)